Pennsylvania License - Apply for either Board of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine
Concussion Law - Safety in Youth Sports Act
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Law - Act 73- Peyton's Law
Checklist of items to work in Pennsylvania
Athletic trainers in Pennsylvania can be licensed by either the Board of Medicine or Board of Osteopathic Medicine
It is the choice of the athletic trainer when making an application for a license.Either is acceptable.
Rules and regulations read the same for both Boards.
Temporary licensure- An applicant who is a graduate of an approved athletic training education program and who has applied to take the examination may be granted a temporary license to practice athletic training under the onsite direct supervision of a licensed athletic trainer. The temporary license expires 1 year from issuance or upon licensure as an athletic trainer by the Board, whichever comes first, and may not be renewed.
Direction—Supervision over the actions of a licensed athletic trainer by means of referral by prescription to treat conditions for a physically active person from a licensed physician, dentist or podiatrist or , except that the physical presence of the supervising physician, dentist or podiatrist is not required if the supervising physician, dentist or podiatrist is readily available for consultation by direct communication, radio, telephone, facsimile, telecommunications or by other electronic means.
Liability insurance
Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Continuing Education Providers
Contact your Regional Rep with questions